Nearly two decades of expertise and experience to turn your ideas into reality

While Americans set up their companies in their garages, people from León do it from the bedroom they still occupy in their parents’ house (which at least has heating!). This is how IntegraMedia was born — with little more than a person, a bedroom and an idea.
In 2006, Héctor Rubio Fidalgo created ”Medievol: The Browser Game’. This online medieval strategy game that allowed players to organise attacks, establish alliances and build empires and was played by 100,000 players in Spain and Latin America. Medievol, which lost momentum with the rise of mobile games, became the basis for a business focused on tailor-made IT solutions for third parties. In 2012, it branched out into the sale of ink cartridges for printers and computer accessories on eBay.

More than 18 years' experience
IntegraMedia was born in 2006 with Medievol The Browser Game — an online medieval strategy game that reached more than 100.000 players in Spain and Latin America. Along the way, we have launched four of our own ecommerce businesses (Webcartridge, EroticFeel Copykrea and Stendio).

Highly skilled team
More than forty people make up a team of programmers, designers, developers and specialists in marketing and e-commerce who will offer you the best services and solutions.

Internationalisation and our own CMS
We have sold products in 112 countries through our e-commerce businesses and we have a physical presence in Europe, United Kingdom, Mexico, Chile and Colombia, gaining great knowledge and expertise in these markets. In 2019, we launched our own e-commerce platform called imCMS, aimed primarily at businesses operating internationally.

In 2013, the three people who made up IntegraMedia moved to an office on Calle La Rúa, in the centre of León, and launched our first e-commerce business: Webcartridge. This is an online shop specialising in the sale of ink cartridges and toners, which will soon include stationery, IT and professional printing products. That first office quickly became too small, and at the end of the year we moved to new premises of 100 m2.
In 2016, with a team of nine people, we started the process of internationalisation that would take us to France, Belgium, Portugal, the United Kingdom and, a year later, to Germany.
In 2018 , we moved to our current premises in Trobajo del Camino, a 1200 m2 building, of which 1000 m2 is office space. And just as important, a new idea was born, the beginning of another exciting project.
We reached 2019 without any more moves and with 25 employees ready to launch EroticFeel, an online erotic toys shop, and our own e-commerce platform, which we named imCMS.
In 2020, we cross the pond and set up our first two subsidiaries abroad, in Mexico and the UK. We released LabelCourier, a SaaS labelling software for transport companies. Our company, which now employed more than forty people, had grown so much that there were already queues for the bathroom!
In 2022, we opened two new subsidiaries in Chile and Colombia.
In 2023, we launched our third in-house e-commerce Copykrea, an online copy shop.
In 2024, our last project is born, Stendio, an online art prints shop.
Our highly specialised team is constantly undergoing training. We have extensive experience in e-commerce and the development of marketing solutions and services for third parties. IntegraMedia is each of its members and, if you choose to reach out to us, so are you.